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Weds February 1st @ 7PM CT:We’re dealing with another crazy winter storm in central Texas, actually the 3rd February in a row that we’ve gotten stuck in our houses due to inclement weather on a night where we planned to livestream from the studio. Well, we’re gonna improvise to make the best of it. We’ve got some homies popping-in to talk shop and some tasty nugs from the archives to watch.. Grab a warm beverage and join us in the chat to participate in the convo.⚡️
💜Support the Artists & Crew
Our live streams are free to watch, but powered by your donations, which go to directly support the artists and crew. http://purplebee.org/donate
This Week’s Sponsor: HelloFresh!
We’ve been enjoying HelloFresh’s delicious meal kits in the Purple Bee kitchen lately. Use our code for 21 free meals + free shipping: POGHF41792 https://strms.net/hellofresh_purplebeetv
WEB3 Stream on Koop.xyz
Watch the show on Koop tonight – excited to be making our debut on this awesome new web3 first streaming platform! https://koop.xyz/koop/purplebee/