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Purple Bee welcomes Wes Haynes and his band for Episode 38 of Purple Bee Live, streaming live from Purple BeeStudios in Wyldwood, TX. Wes Haynes and the Mustard Stains deliver a modern instrumental jazz pop that is reminiscent to the CTI jazz label. The instrumentation is Rhodes, Hammond organ, upright and electric bass, and a good old fashioned drum set. The Trio plays an array of jazz styles and rhythms ranging from break beat, funk, hip-hop, rock, Latin, and swing. The Trio’s material consist of a vast selection of original compositions and an eclectic assortment of covers by such artists as Radiohead, Pixies, Micheal Jackson, Prince, Beach Boys, Angelo Badalamenti, Steven Malkamus, Leonard Cohen, Baby Face, Neal Young, Billy Joel, Akron/Family, Yo La Tango, and John Carpenter.⚡️
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